Draconic talents : Art of conquest

How we can unlock dragon draconic talents? Which draconic tree is important? We'll answer these all questions in this post.

Art of conquest guide

Guide created by: Legend 36

Draconic Destruction Skill Tree


The draconic talents are what defines a dragon in Art of Conquest. The main source of their power, it is important, especially Earlygame, which tree to focus for which dragon first and to make the right decisions. This guide will focus on proceeding into the Destruction skill tree, and for which dragon they are a must to get first.

2. How do I unlock the draconic skill trees?

Upon reaching castle 30, you unlock the draconic talent section in the dragon lair. The draconic talent feature is divided into 3 trees; destruction, protection and affliction. 

The destruction tree specifies in amplifying your dragon’s damage, the protection tree in making it tankier and the affliction tree in debuffing your opponents. You require draconic dust, which you can turn into draconic crystals, with which you level up the different traits and advance in the trees. Draconic dust can be obtained from many events and also daily activity chests.

Later on, after having 159 in all 3 draconic trees, you will unlock the draconic awakening.

3.What does the destruction tree do?

As already hinted at, the destruction excels in making your dragon deal a lot of damage, which is still partially true for Endgame, depending on what dragon you have. When unlocking the draconic trees, the most important thing to do, no matter what tree you focus on first, is to get to 109 points in the designated tree. 

For ruby, topaz and onyx dragons, getting 109 points into destruction first is key, as it will greatly increase the damage output of their abilities.

In order to advance as quickly as possible in the different trees, you will need to put only 10 points into each tree. For ruby, topaz and onyx dragons, prioritising the dragon damage buffs is more important than getting the troop buffs first. However, onyx does not need the tier 4 “Elemental Flux” and the tier 8 “Elemental Corrosion” trait, as neither of them buff its damage output, as onyx dragons do not deal fire, ice or lightning damage. For ruby however, these 2 are still a must, and for topaz the “Elemental Corrosion”.

109 points are required to unlock the draconic tree’s final ability.

4.What do I do after I get 109 points into destruction?

There are 2 strategies you can do for ruby, onyx and topaz dragons.

1. You focus on levelling up the affliction tree until you unlock the undying army, then proceed to do the same with the protection tree.

2. You reset your draconic talents, get affliction to 109 points and level the destruction tree back up until 109 points, then do the same with the protection tree.

The main goal is to get all 3 trees as quickly as possible to 109, to then focus on the troop buffs, which are significant too once you’ve got them.

5. A quick overview of the 4 main destruction skills.

Draconic Protection Skill Tree

1. What does the protection tree do?

As already hinted at, the draconic protection tree excels in boosting your dragon’s survivability and its healing powers. For Azure and Jade dragons, 109 points into protection is key, as both of these dragons are known for their healing and tanking capabilities.

For Jade and Azure dragons, getting the upper and middle traits is key, while for the other 3 dragons, you can ignore the healing efficacy trait and go for the bottom troop buff. 109 points are required to unlock the draconic tree’s final ability.

2.What do I do after I get 109 points into protection?

There are 2 strategies you can do for Azure and Jade dragons.

1. You focus on levelling up the affliction tree until you unlock the undying army, then proceed to do the same with the destruction tree, in which you focus either the troop or the damage buffs.

2. You reset your draconic talents, get affliction to 109 points and level the protection tree back up until 109 points, then do the same with the destruction tree.

3. A quick overview of the 4 main protection skills.

Draconic Affliction Skill Tree

1.What does the Affliction tree do?

As already hinted at, the affliction tree mainly excels in debuffing your opponent, while also buffing your dragon’s crowd control abilities. For onyx and azure dragons, getting the affliction tree to 109 first can be a viable strategy, if you want their crowd abilities to debuff the enemy decently.

In order to advance as quickly as possible in the different trees, you will need to put only 10 points into each tree. The enemy troop debuffs in the bottom row can be ignored until you eventually come back to level them up. If you do not have any crowd control abilities on your dragon, your dragon will not need the trait “Plague Wind”.

2. What do I do after I get 109 points into affliction?

There is 1 main strategy you can do that should work for all dragons. After getting 109 into affliction and unlocking the undying army skill, you either go for the protection tree, considering your dragon is a jade or an azure, or you go for the destruction tree, if you are owner of an onyx, topaz or ruby dragon.

3.A quick overview of the 4 main affliction skills.

You can get the draconic barrier skill from the protection tree first as well, so that your dragon is at least somewhat tanky, or immediately go to ascendancy for the 40 stats.

Conclusion: In art of conquest dragon plays very important role in PVP and PVE. So you need to choose your dragon wisely. When you reach level 30 in game then you can unlock dragon's DRACONIC TALENTS. In this post we tried to explain everything about draconic talents.

Thanks for reading this post.


  1. How much draconic dusr it needs to complete all the 3 to 109 lvl
  2. Almost 3M (3000k) dust for 1 draconic tree to complete to 109 lvl, so for all the 3 you'll need ~ 9M dust