5 Common mistakes you must avoid in Rise of kingdoms

In this guide I'm gonna tell you about 5 most crucial common mistakes in the Rise of kingdoms game and how you can avoid them so you can progress fast

Hi governors! I see a lot of players making some common mistakes in the Rise of the Kingdoms game. Most of the players start playing the game without basic knowledge and make some common mistakes again and again. 

In this guide I'm gonna tell you about 5 most crucial common mistakes which players make in the Rise of kingdoms game. 

5-Common crucial mistakes 

Common mistakes you avoid in rise of kingdoms
Rise of kingdoms

Most of the time players make these common mistakes and regret them later. These mistakes can slow your progress in the game so you must avoid these mistakes. In this beginner guide I'll highlight 5 most common mistakes which you must avoid in the Rise of kingdoms game. 

This is my first Rise of kingdoms guide so if you like it or find it useful then share it with other governors. So let's find out these common mistakes and how to avoid them.

1.Using resources tokens 

Showing resources tokens in rise of kingdoms
Resource tokens Rise of kingdoms

In the early game i see a lot of players just use their resource tokens before they need them. Most of the new players use the resource tokens as soon as they get them because it feels good to be rich in resources in the beginning. 

The problem here is that someone can come along and scout you. Players can see that you have all these resources and they can try to take them from you. So keep these resource tokens until you really need them. 

It's one of the very best ways to protect those resources that you've earned and you've worked very hard to get. You can go to the courier station when the mysterious merchant is there and frequently you'll see opportunities to spend resources to get resource tokens. 

It's a great strategy even if it's not a good deal for converting your resources into resource tokens. Players can steal your resources but they can't steal your resource tokens so getting them out of a form that can be stolen is generally a strong play.

2.Doing the right activity at the wrong time

This is a very common mistake which most of the players make. For example it makes sense to upgrade the buildings in your city but you should always be focused on getting your city hall levelling up to the next level. 

You should do the prerequisites that are required for that so rather than level up all of the buildings evenly or rather than level up a whole bunch of buildings that aren't required for the city hall.

Those are good activities but not right now. These make sense only when your level of city hall is in flight.

3.Join a suitable alliance

It's a very common mistake to stay in an alliance for the wrong reasons, so by that I mean if the alliance is not a great fit for your activity level or for the types of things that you want to be doing. You shouldn't feel bad about going to an alliance that better fits your interests, schedule and you can do the types of things you want to do. 

It's a common mistake to stay somewhere that doesn't make sense because you get kind of attached to the place and members that you're in. So the point is you should find an alliance that works and better fits you in every way.

4.Spending for events

Many players are spending like crazy for events. You shouldn't spend like crazy where you're not going to get great rewards. Or you aren't going to place on the top of the event leaderboard. 

Let's take an example of the mightiest governor event. If we take a look at the leaderboard rewards, the top 10 has some solid rewards like 20 or more sculptures of Julius Caesar are pretty good and there's some other stuff too.

Showing event rewards of rise of kingdoms
Event rewards Rise of kingdoms

So my point is that some speed ups and some sculptures are okay but the amount of effort it takes to be in the top 15 is insane. You've got to be spending resources and speed ups like crazy. You've got to be playing the game basically non-stop for like 6 days to get the position and if you're not gonna be in those top places look at how fast these rewards drop off.

There's no point doing these events aggressively unless you really think you can place top 10, otherwise save the resources and speed ups for a time when you actually can make a push for one of those top rankings in events.

5.Levelling up the commanders 

I see this all the time is players levelling up too many commanders. If you level up a whole bunch of commanders a little bit, you're going to be sort of weak compared to someone who has maxed out his two primary commanders. 

Now in a similar vein another common mistake here is that you level up your secondary commanders too much. I'm not sure what benefit you'll get from a secondary commander beyond the skills that they bring. 

Same idea as not levelling up to many commanders is actually not levelling a couple commanders a lot. The more you level up the primary commanders the larger army you're going to be able to bring and the better you're going to do in both PvE and PvP.

  • Tip : All gathering commanders should be upgraded to level 27 to get all the gathering talents. Later on after you maxed out their gathering skill you can upgrade them to level 37 to max out the marching speed talent too.
  • The best gathering units are actually the T1 siege. They are the fastest siege unit, have barely less capacity and are the cheapest to heal.

This is my first guide about the Rise of kingdoms game and there'll be more in future. I have been creating the guides for The Art of conquest game (Lilith games too). English is not my first language so if you find any grammatical errors then please ignore it. I hope this guide can be useful for you.

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