Human race guide : Art of conquest

Humans are a cluster based race. Humans are strong at all stages of the game, they have good void progression.

Art of conquest human race

Humans are the race that everyone begins with at the starting of the game. Humans are a cluster based race. 

Humans are strong at all stages of the game, they have good void progression, they have multiple heroes that contain mastery for human troops , they have multiple troop types that are good. 

Table of Contents

Humans are one of the most creative races in terms of PvP formation as they have multiple viable troops.


All of human troops are humanoids which means they can be healed, poisoned, can gain morale boosts/collapse and they also gain humanoid mastery from Avalon.

Heavy Infantry

Heavy Infantry aka Spearmen are human’s anti-large troops. They are direct counter to anything that is massive or large (Dragons, heroes, Cav etc…). 

At the starting of the battle they will throw their javelin which will stun and push back the troops they hit. They also have an ability Impenetrable Defence which negates the damage they take every 3 seconds. 

But they lack morale immunity, they will start running as soon as their morale collapses, that is the main reason spearmen are not preferred over swordsmen.

ZEN Spearman

Showing human race troops

- Zen Spearmen gain a new ability called Iron Morale which makes them gain morale from basic attacks and reduce their morale decay speed.

- Zen spearmen can gain instant morale boost at the start of the battle with their javalin throw as they gain morale for every attak.

- Zen spearman can tank more than dire as they don’t morale collapse soon and virion’s curasder shield helps them more as they get boost frequently. 

- Zen spearmen are the ones to use in pvp, if you use spearmen at all.

DIRE Spearman

- Dire Spearmen gain a new ability called Piercing Spearhead which does 1.5% of targets max health in true damage and reduces the healing received by the targets.

- Dire spearmen deal a lot of burst damage at the start of the battle.

Also read: Art of conquest Gladiator heroes

- Dire spearmen can deal more damage and reduce healing by 90% which is a lot.

- Dire spearmen are very situational, can be good in certain void stages.

Line Infantry

Line Infantry aka Archers are human’s main dps troops. They have a really long range. The human archer have an ability which makes the attack after a certain number of attacks guaranteed hit which means it can’t be evaded. 

They also have Avalon to boost them both with mastery and warhorn. They have really high crit rate from chakra and research. These are no doubt the best backline troops for humans.

ZEN Archers

- Zen archer gain a new ability called scatter arrow which give zen archers a 20% chance to shoot 2 arrows. The second attack does not attack the same target, so zen archers are better againts cluster units.

- Zen archers also gain +10% chance for scatter shot during morale boosts.

- Zen archers can also perform well in pvp, they are good for certain voids levels and events.

DIRE Archers

- Dire archer gain a new ability called Rend Armor which gives attacks a chance to increase the damage taken by enemy by 1.3% for 8 secs which can stack upto 15 times.

- Dire archers excell at dealing high damage to a single target.

- Dire archer are the preferred ones for pvp because of their high single target dps.

Light Infantry

Light Infantry aka Swordsmen are the tanks for humans. They take reduced damage from most of the ranged damage in the game. They also get 30% dmg reduction at the start of the battle. 

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Swordsmen have morale immunity so they don’t run away during the battle which makes them really tanky. They also have virion who can resurrect them and the resurrected swordsmen will have more health. Overall they are one of the best frontline troops in the game.

ZEN Swordsman

- Zen Swordsman have a new ability Magic Shield which reduces the magic damage they take by 25%. The magic damage reduction bonous is doubled during morale boost.

- Zen swords outshine dire swords when fighting against a lot of magical damage.

Dire Swordsman

- Dire Swordsman have a new abilty Guardian Angel which gives a nearby ally a shield when they die. Guardian Angel will be triggered only if the swordsman die during the first 30 secs of the battle or after ressurection.

- Dire swords are better at tanking when facing physical damage.

Both Zen and Dire swordsman are good at pvp, it all comes to personal preference while choosing between them. 

Dire swords do good in all scenarios whereas zen swords do well only when up against magical damage. However there is always some form of magical damage in any battle.


Clergy aka Priest are the support troops of human race. They will heal your troops and does heavy damage to undead troops. They have vega to provide mastery. 

They are also smaller in size, so it would be easier to fit them in your formation. They don’t do much of damage but they heal for quite a lot.

ZEN Priest

- Zen Saints gains a new abilityRefraction that makes the basic attacks on undead troops make them take more damage.Refraction also reduces the accuracy of the affected undead troops.

Also read: Hero mastery guide

- Zen saints are too situational to be used in pvp, they do well only against lich. But they are still good in some scenarios.

DIRE Priest

- Dire Saints gain a new ability called inspire which gives morale boost and a lot of damage mitigation to the troops.

- Dire Saints are more preferred for pvp as saints are only used as a support troop and dire provide more tankiness to your army.


Cavalry are melee troops that charge at the enemy units in the start of the battle, stunning and pushing them back. 

They have elena to provide mastery. They do great damage at the start of the battle and also tank quite well. They are also morale immune so definitely viable to use in pvp.

ZEN Cavalry

- Zen Templars gain Spur on which increases the damage dealt by the ranged troops they pass through.

- Zen templars serve as a support which sacrifices it initial burst damage from dire for increased ranged troops damage.

Use Zen templars if you want to boost your archers and provide some tankiness to your army.

Dire Cavalry

- Dire Templars gain Unstoppable which increases their charge damage and also grants the cc immunity.

- Dire templars deal a huge amount of burst at the start and their charge cant be cancelled because of cc immunity.

Use dire templars in pvp if you want to front line them, because of their cc immunity.

Key Heroes


2. Virion





Human can make use of any dragons. The onyx’s black hole is universal, azure dragon is pretty good with noble blood. 

However Jade dragons are considered best for humans as they protect the archers at the starting with call of the wild and provides healing throughout the battle.

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