Art of conquest Gladiator heroes

Gladiator heroes are tanky and can deal decent amount of damage and healing.
Hello friends! Welcome to all of you. As you already knew we have different kind of troops, dragons and heroes in Art of conquest game. They divided these all heroes into 8 categories - Gladiator, Mage, Sage, General, Necromancer, Paladin, Rogue and Mechanist. 

These are the types of heroes in game and they're completely different and unique from each other. Different class/catagory of hero has different type of damage or support. So we'll share some thoughts about gladiator heroes today. 

Right now we have Rufio, Bealrog, Bane, Denji, Solaris, Gafgar, Kitano gladiator heroes in game.

Art of conquest best heroes

Table of Contents

Gladiator hero Solaris

Solaris can be unlocked from hero chests and is a powerful gladiator for defense. This gladiator has a skill that doesn’t allow him to die once he takes fatal damage for a maximum of 13 seconds at max level “hell’s pardon”.

- Solaris AoE (Area of Effect) attacks also impact bleeding and other negative effects on the enemy.

Solaris's skills

i. Piercing attack
ii. Demonic bite
iii. Soul blast
iv. Bloodthirst
v. Hell’s pardon
vi. Hatred emancipation

Solaris is another great tank (solid defense) as he will not die when fatally injured for some seconds.

- Solaris will survive for a maximum of 13 seconds with a max level “Hell’s Pardon” so we should get this skill as high as possible. Next should be “Soul Blast” to further increase his survivability and some damage. 

Next “Piercing Attack”. One point into “Demonic Bite” and leftover skill points into “Bloodthirst”.
Attributes: Solaris benefits more from the stamina stat.

Gladiator hero Baelrog

This hero is gotten from a New Game Login Event after Completing Tasks. He’s a powerful Gladiator with incredible Survivability and Crowd Control.

- Baelrog offers a very important skill when deployed that affects all enemy small units called “Overawe” which makes enemy small units to Attack Slower and Deal Less Damage. 

- Baelrog gains immense damage mitigation the more health he loses and avoids fatal damage when defeated by reviving himself when his totem’s energy is full with the skill “Indomitable Spirit”.

Bealrog's skills

i. Revenant
ii. Shock wave
iii. Overawe
iv. Indomitable spirit
v. Totemic curse
vi. Primal fury

Baelrog is your best defense hero early game. He is an incredible tank and provides very good crowd control and support.

- “Overawe” and “Indomitable Spirit” should be as high as possible. This will provide survivability and support. Next should be “Revenant” for crowd control and then “Shockwave”. At least one point into “Totemic
Attributes: Baelrog benefits more from the stamina stat.

Gladiator hero Denji

Denji is a Gladiator and can be unlocked from Hero Chests. Denji offers Support to all units of the Rakan Race with the skill “Spring Ale” which Recovers Health when Rakan Race units use Ale Abilities. 

He also offers the skill “Monk Mastery” that gives Support to Rakan Race’s Ascetics unit (Monks).

Denji's skills

i. Spin strike
ii. Deflect
iii. Spring ale
iv. Monk mastery
v. Powerful physique
vi. Meat dumpling

Denji is great early game and may require the use of his active ability “Meat Dumpling” to increase his survivability.

- “Spin Strike” should be as high as possible for penetration effects, then “Powerful Physique” for the might stat. Next should be “Deflect” for more survivability and then “Meat Dumpling”.

- If playing as the Rakan race then “Spring Ale” should be High and If playing as the Rakan race and using Ascetics (Monks) then “Spring Ale” and “Monk Mastery” should be as high as possible.
Attributes: Denji benefits more from the might and stamina stat.

Gladiator hero Gafgar

Gafgar is a Gladiator that can be unlocked from Hero Chests. Gafgar offers Support and Recovery for mechanical dwarf race units (Steam engines, Siege units and War machines) with the “Repairman” and “Temporary Repair” skills.

- Gafgar also offers support to dwarf race Ironsmiths (Miners) with the “Technical Mastery” skill.

Gafgar's skills

i. Pyro pincers
ii. Startling blow
iii. Repairman
iv. Technical mastery
v. Temporary repair
vi. Iron shield

Gafgar is decent at defense for a gladiator early game.
- His “Iron Shield” reduces significant damage at the start of battle and should be as high as possible. Next should be “Startling Blow” for some crowd control and then “Temporary Repair” which also heals Gafgar.

If playing with dwarf race’s Steam Engines (Mechs) then “Repairman” and “Temporary Repair” should be as high as possible.

- If playing with dwarf race’s Ironsmiths (Miners) then “Technical Mastery” should be high.
Attributes: Gafgar benefits more from the stamina stat.

Gladiator hero Rufio

Rufio is a very important and powerful gladiator hero. Rufio can deal huge amount of damage and can wipe out all backline heroes and troops.

Rufio's skills

i. Blade storm
ii. Chopping blade
iii. Intimidating shout
iv. Fearless
v. Bloodbath
vi. Deep impact

Rufio can be obtained from the void mirror and gets better late in the game and can be very weak early on without very high research or gear.

- For early game, he would be most useful in duels and the best build for him would be to first have one point in all his skills then have “Intimidating Shout” as high as possible for the added stamina stat and crowd control.

“Bloodbath” as high as possible for extra survivability and “deep impact” for added crowd control. Any leftover skill points should go into “fearless” and “chopping blade”.
Attributes: Rufio benefits more from the stamina stat.

Gladiator hero Bane

Bane can be obtained by soulbit coins from hero chest. Bane a very good tank and healer with high research and level, also he needs p2w artifact and good equipment for survivability.

Bane's skills

i. Provoke
ii. Ferocious charge
iii. Viking chief
iv. Cornered beast
v. Spinning axe
vi. Barbaric blessing

Bane is not a very good tank early game because he requires a lot of hero research and gear to make him a powerful. He is very good later in the game.

- “Viking Chief” should be very high to give support to your army. “Barbaric Blessing” should be very high to give stamina stat and some resistance.

“Provoke” should be high for more resistance and then leftover skill points into “Spinning Axe” and “Cornered Beast”.
Attributes: Bane benefits more from the stamina stat.

Gladiator hero Kitano

Kitano can be obtained from hero chest. He is not a very good tank or damage dealer in early game but at high level with high research he can be good tank and healer.

Kitano's skills

i. Duality
ii. Iaido strike
iii. Aura blade
iv. Formless swipe
v. Iron body
vi. Karmic resolution

kitano is an interesting gladiator with light and dark forms. He’s decent at damage but won’t offer much survivability early game.

- Firstly, we should try and increase his survivability so well need “Iron Body” as high as possible then we can either build him for light or dark.

- For light build we should get “Iron Body”, “Karmic Resolution” and “Formless Swipe” as high as possible and leftover skill points into his other abilities.

- For dark build, we should get “Iron Body”, “Karmic Resolution” and “Iaido Strike” as high as possible for dark points and then leftover skill points into “Aura Blade” to inflict extra dark aura.
Attributes: Kitano benefits more from the stamina stat.

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