Art of conquest Rogue hero

Rogue heroes are MVP in duels and also very useful in events and siege. We'll take a look on all rogue heroes in this quick help guide.

Hi commanders! Welcome back to my guides. So today we'll talk about rogue heroes. I'll explain all rogue heroes in detail and also explain why and which abilities are important to choose.

So let's get into it.

Rogue heroes

Right now we have 5 rogue heroes in game and probably Lilith will add more in future. But don't worry if they'll do I'll update here. So rogue heroes are one of the most important heroes in game, they deal huge and amount of damage and you don't need to cast many abilities for them to work like mages.

Showing Bazric, Saizo, Fenris,Mako rogue heroes


Bazric is not your standard Rogue that stays in the backline and attacks from a distance.This powerful Rogue rushes into the frontline and is the Strongest Hero Early Game with his skill “Bat Blitz” which has a wide range and can be used twice. Bazric can be unlocked from Hero Chests.

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Getting Bazric as soon as possible will give you an advantage over most players in battle and will significantly help your progress in the Void Mirror, Abyss Stages and Events.

Bazric skills


i. Flurry

ii. Night prowler

iii. Take wing

iv. Midnight murder

v. Vampire bats

vi. Bat blitz

Bazric is the most powerful hero early game and should be unlocked as soon as possible. He is locked with blood shackles at the start of battle when enemy heroes are present and will prevent him from casting his powerful active ability “Bat Blitz” early.

- We should have “Night Prowler” as high as possible so he his freed from blood shackles faster and gains attack speed. Then one point into “Midnight Murder” and “Take Wing” so he takes flight if fatally injured and recovers health. “Bat Blitz” as high as possible and then “Flurry” as high as possible for passive damage and evasion. Leftover skill points 

into “Vampire Bats” for damage and life steal.

- Another route to take is when enemy heroes are not present and then only one point is needed into “Night Prowler”.

Attributes: Bazric benefits more from the might stat.


Saizo can be obtained from Hero Chests and is a very powerful Rogue that does significant single target damage. Saizo is powerful against Massive and Large units with his skill “Infiltrate” and also deals massive damage to low health enemies with “Blood Hunt” which makes him a very deadly rogue to have in your army.

He offers Support to the Rakan race’s Rakuza units (Ninjas) with the “Nimble Ninja” skill.

Saizo drops a shuriken at the point of his deployment and similar to Lunella will Avoid Fatal Damage by jumping back to the shuriken whenever his health Drops Below 25% and will gain bonus range. This greatly increases his Survivability.

Saizo's abilities 


i. Blood hunt

ii. Mist blade

iii. Infiltrate

iv. Blade storm

v. Nimble ninja

vi. Mist blossom

Siazo is an amazing ranged single target damage dealer.

- We want “Nimble Ninja” as high as possible for increased attack speed. Then “Blade Storm” high for a barrage of his shuriken, next we should get “Infiltrate” high for increased percent damage to single targets and then leftover skill points into “Blood Hunt” to target and deal massive damage to low health enemies and finally “Mist Blade” for more damage.

Attributes: Saizo benefits more from the might stat.


Fenris is obtained from Hero Chests and is a powerful support Rogue with Wolf Summons.

- Similar to the General Class Heroes, Fenris will stay in the backline when deployed on the Ranged Tiles (Blue) and will rush into battle if placed on the Melee Tiles (Green) on the battle grid. He’s perfect for Staying in The Backline in ranged stance to summon wolves and stall or distract the enemy from targeting your units in the area Infront of Fenris.

- Fenris wolves will prioritize backline enemy units and can be very deadly early on in the game. Fenris also has an active ability “Full Moon” that allows Fenris to transform into a Dire Wolf and attack the enemy, starting with the enemy backline. 

- Early in the game, this active ability is strong enough to kill off enemy heroes relatively quickly but quickly falls off mid-game when heroes have more health and levels.

Fenris's skills


i. Maul

ii. Bloodthirst

iii. Thick hide

iv. Feral instinct

v. Lupine link

vi. Full moon

Fenris is an amazing hero early game. He can be built in two ways. One to stall with wolf summons and the other to attack with his dire wolf form.

- Dire wolf form Fenris will require you to use his active ability “Full Moon” and should be high as possible. Next should be “Maul” for more damage and then “Bloodthirst” and “Feral Instinct” for some attack speed and health regeneration. Leftover points into “Thick Hide”. One point into “Lupine Link”.

- For a Fenris with wolf summons, we want no points in “Full Moon”. “Lupine Link”, “Thick Hide” and “Bloodthirst” as high as possible for wolves to be more durable and then leftover skill points into “Feral Instinct” and one point into “Maul”.

Attributes: Fenris benefits more from the might stat.


Mako is a Rogue that can be unlocked in the Void Mirror by purchasing him with 300 Adamantium Coins (void mirror currency).

Mako offers Support to Rakan race’s Bandit units (Crossbowmen) with the skill “Crossbow Mastery”.

Mako's skills

i. Crack shot

ii. Killer instinct

iii. Crossbow mastery

iv. Scatter shot

v. Eagle eye

vi. Shooting star

Mako has great range and attack speed and is a decent damage dealer early game.

- “Eagle Eye” should be as high as possible for incredible range, then “Killer Instinct” and “Crack Shot” for more damage and critical chance. Leftover skill points can be in either “Scatter Shot” or “Shooting Star”.

- Rakan race players should have “Crossbow Mastery” high if using Bandits (Crossbowmen).

Attributes: Mako benefits more from the might stat.


Sprig is a Rogue that can be obtained from Hero Chests. Sprig offers support to sylph race’s Watchers (Sylph Archers) with his skill “Bow Mastery”. Sprig also can summon Watchers (Sylph Archers) periodically to aid him in battle.

- Sprig gets stronger the more Watchers (Sylph Archers) are on the battlefield with his skills “Forest Guard” and “Spirit Link”.

Sprig abilities


i. Elemental arrows

ii. Forest guard

iii. Bow mastery

iv. Spirit link

v. Presence of mind

vi. Arrow storm

Sprig is a decent ranged damage dealer early game. Sprig focuses on one target at a time and can unleash a magic dealing arrow that pierces through the enemy ranks. “Elemental Arrows” and “Presence of Mind” should be high for piercing arrows and increased focused attack. One point into “Forest Guard” to summon some watchers and one point into “Spirit Link”. Leftover skill points into “Arrow Storm” which is a powerful active skill early game.

- If playing as the sylph race with Watchers (Sylph Archers) then “Bow Mastery” should be high, followed by “Spirit Link” and “Presence of Mind”. Leftover skill points into “Elemental Arrows”. One point into “Forest Guard”.

Attributes: Sprig benefits more from the magic and might stat. 

Let me know in comment box which one is your favourite rogue hero.

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