Art of conquest Mechanist hero

In this quick help guide I'm gonna explain all mechanist hero like which skills are important and why?, which attribute is better for each hero etc

Hi commanders! Today I'm gonna explain about mechanist heroes. We have 3 mechanist heroes Jacques, Nora and Myra in art of conquest. 

Mechanist Hero

Jacques is very useful and strong for beginners, in late game he's just good if you're planning to play dwarf because of his skill mech mastery, it gives huge buff to dwarf mech units. Nora is a good damage dealer in beginning and later too, you just her right build and prism for her. 

Showing Nora, Jacques and Myra Mechanist hero in art of conquest

Myra is very good tank. So now we have a little bit idea about all mechanist heroes so let's get into more detail.


Nora can be obtained from the void mirror by purchasing her with 3500 Adamantium Coins (Void Mirror Currency). Nora provides Support for the dwarf race’s ranged unit Pyrotechs (Blasters) with the “Rocket Mastery” and “Strike Commander” skills.

She is a powerful Mechanist that does tremendous AoE (Area of Effect) Damage when paired with a prism equipped with a True Ruby Array “Draconic Storm”.

- Prisms are unlocked at castle level 25 and a True Ruby should be then first priority to obtain from your first Golden Board Event. 

- Golden board event offers a guaranteed True Stone Chest if you spin the golden board dice 125 times.

- The True Stone Chest gives you a choice to pick between a True Ruby, True Emerald or True Amethyst.

Nora's abilities


i. Fusillade

ii. Rocket mastery

iii. Strike commander

iv. Air cannon

v. Destructive rage

vi. Combat re-load

Nora is a powerful mechanist that dishes out a lot of AoE (Area of Effect) damage.

“Fusillade”, “Strike Commander” and “Destructive Rage” should be as high as possible. This will increase her damage and add the might stat. leftover skill points should be into “Combat Reload” which will support ammo users and then “Air Cannon” for some crowd control.

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- If playing with dwarf race’s Pyrotechs (Blasters) then “Rocket Mastery” should be high.

Attributes: Nora benefits more from the might stat.


Jacques is a Mechanist and the only hero that cannot be obtained for free from the hero chest. The only way to get Jacques is to buy his hero bundle for 9.99 USD (tax esc.). 

- If you purchase another hero first before Jacques, the next hero bundle will cost 29.99 USD (tax esc.).

Jacques offers Support to Steam engines (Mechs) units with his skill “Mech Expert”.

Jacques skills


i. Firestorm

ii. Rocket launcher

iii. Mech expert

iv. Expanded capacity

v. Double charge

vi. Spray and pray

Jacques is a great damage dealer early game.

- “Expanded Capacity” should be as high as possible to increase Jacques’s ammo capacity, then “Double Charge” which is an excellent passive skill to deal damage and then “Spray and Pray” which is an active ability that will increase Jacque’s attack speed and range greatly. 

- Leftover skill points should be placed into “Firestorm” for pinpoint attacks during battle. 

- “Rocket Launcher” depletes Jacque’s ammo very fast.

- For dwarf players using Steam Engines (Mechs), “Mech Expert” should be as high as possible.

Attributes: Jacques benefits more from the might stat.


Myra is mechanist hero and can be obtained from hero chest. She is not a ammo user like Nora or Jaques. She can quite tanky or can be a good damage dealer with right build.

Myra skills


i. divine whispers

ii. formed being

iii. time loop

iv. god’s warning

v. holy rays

vi. time twister

Myra is a great mechanist for defense and damage. She summons puppet hands to do her biding in battle.

- We want “Divine Whispers”, “Formed Being” and “Time Loop” as high as possible. This will improve her summoned hands significantly. Then leftover skill points into “Gods Warning” and “Holy Rays”.

- Another route is to make Myra the damage dealer. We should then have “Gods Warning”, “Holy Rays” and “Time Twister” as high as possible to make her do more damage. One point into “Time Loop” and “Formed Being” and left-over skill points into “Divine Whispers” to reduce the interval for her summons.

Attributes: Myra benefits more from the might and stamina stat.

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