Lich race guide : Art of conquest

Lich is one of the cluster based races with the highest number of troops in a single unit.Lich is a overall very good race for PvP and events.

Art of conquest lich race

Lich is the only race that has undead troops. Undead troops are different when compared to other types as they are very cheap and take almost no time to train them but they can’t be injured once they fall in a battle they die. 

Lich is the most cost efficient race in terms of troop building (Free if you use mummies to resurrect the troops). Lich is one of the cluster based races with the highest number of troops in a single unit (Stalkers). Lich is a overall very good race for PvP but they tend to struggle in void progression.

Table of Contents


Most of the lich troops are undead with a exception of few magical units. Undead troops doesn’t have morale and cannot be poisoned. Gazul provides mastery for all the undead troops and Gan for magical units.


Stalkers are the best frontline troops for lich. They have the highest number of troops per unit (30 ~ 34). Stalkers are very effective against humanoid units as they reduce their morale and also have a chance to poison and silence them. 

The silence also works on heroes. Gazul has a mastery for stalkers and also gives a chance to resurrect themselves when they die.

ZEN Stalkers

Showing lich race troops

- Zen Stalkers gain a new ability called Dark sickle which makes their basic attacks to reduce the healing received by enemy by 5% and also reduce their magic resistance by 3%. Dark sickle debuffs can be stacked upto 15 times.

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- Zen stalkers increase the damage output of warlocks as they reduce the magic resistance and warlocks do partial magic damage.

- Zen stalkers are not preferred for pvp but they are used in many events and void stages where they more damage than tankiness.

Dire Stalkers

- Dire Stalkers gain a new ability called Eternal will which enables them to survive for extra 2.5 secs after their hp reaches 0. The eternal will stacks with the undying army from the affliction tree of draconics.

- Dire stalkers are better in terms of tanking than zen as each stalker can survive for extra 2.5 secs during which the enemy troops will keep attacking them.

For pvp dire skeletons are preferred as they tank way more than zen stalkers.


Warlocks are lich’s main ranged dps unit. They have the longest range out of all the troops in art of conquest( not anymore). They also do partial magical damage based on target’s max health which is also doubled for magical units. 

They are hands down the best troops for killing the enemy dragon, because of the max health dmg and range. They also stun the nearby troops when they die.

ZEN Warlocks

- Zen Warlocks gain a new ability called Necrotic Blast which makes the final blow landed by the warlocks on enemy humanoid unit will cause an explosion which deals poison damage and negates morale boost of that troop unit.

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- Zen Warlocks deals AOE damage because of the explosion and are very good against humanoid units.

- Zen warlocks are situationally good in pvp especially if you face a lot of rakan or human.

Dire Warlocks

- Dire warlocks gain a new ability called Nethergrip which gives their basic attacks a chance to root enemies preventing them from attacking and reducing their evade chance and magic resistance for 3 seconds.

- Dire warlocks deal huge amount of single target damage as they reduce the magic resistance of the target they are attacking.

For pvp, dire warlocks are preferred as they deal a lot of single target dps.


Scorpions are very good tanks for lich race. They receive a shield at the starting of the battle which greatly reduces the damage taken for the first 15 seconds. 

Scorpions are magical units which means they can be healed. Scorpions are extremely good at healing themselves. They have an active ability which heals all the scorpions on the field. Gan provides mastery for scorpions (Magical unit).

ZEN Scorpion

- Zen Scorpions have a new ability called Restorative genetics which gives them bonus health regen and increased healing received at the starting of the battle. Restorative genetics greatly increase the healing received form their active.

- Zen scorpions are extremely tank at the starting of the battle.

Dire scorpion

- Dire Scorpions have a new ability called Corrosive armor which makes the attackers lose 0.1% health and also reduces their attack speed by 3%. For ranged troops the values are halfed.Corrosive armor can stack upto 15 times.

Also read: Hero mastery guide

- Dire Scorpions are good at debuffing the enemy and also does damage based on percentage of their health.

For pvp both zen and dire scorpions are viable but most players go with the dire stalkers as the eternal will is quite strong. If you want to use scorpions in pvp, Zen scorpions would be slightly better. In the end it all comes down to your playstyle.


Clerics aka mummies are the support troops of lich race with an unique interaction “Resurrection”. 

The clerics can resurrect any humanoid troops that falls in battle, melee humanoid will be turned into stalkers and ranged units into warlocks. Clerics can resurrect one level higher troops than them which can be quite beneficial.

ZEN Clerics

- Zen Clerics gain a new ability called Atonement which heals the neaby units every 12 seconds and also grants them 30% damage mitigation for 5 seconds.Atonement is the ability that makes clerics a support troop.

For pvp Zen Clerics are preferred as they provide more tankiness to your army.

Dire Clerics

- Dire Clerics gain a new ability called Dark ritual which increases the resurrect success rate and also increases the damage of the resurrected troops. The resurrected troops also gain shield equal to the clerics health for 10 seconds.

- Dire cleric are only used to resurrect troops. (Especially higher level troops)


Arachnid aka Spiders are magical units which does huge amounts of poison damage in an AOE and also spawns spiderlings at a regular interval which provides great tanking potential. 

The spider are also smaller in size so can be fit into the formation easier. Usually they are not preferred for pvp as they lack damage compared to warlocks, still they are pretty useful in some scenarios. They have rose to provide them spider mastery.

ZEN Spiders

- Zen Spiders gain a new ability called Virulent Poison which makes successive attacks on the same target deal 30% more damage.

Also read: Art of conquest best race

- Zen Spider do more damage than dire spider.

For pvp, if you are about to use spiders use zen spiders as they comparatively more damage.

Dire Spiders

- Dire Spiders gain a new ability called Hive Rage which increases the attack speed of the spiderlings spawned.It also causes the enemy troops killed by the spider to spawn a spiderling with more damage and less health.

- Dire spiderlings do more damage than zen spiderlings.

- Dire spiders are not widely used in pvp as they lack damage but the spiderlings provide more tankiness as there will be more spiderlings.

Key Heroes






6. Gan.


Lich can either go with azure or onyx. Both are pretty good options, Onyx’s black hole is always useful and azure’s noble blood is pretty strong. Jade dragon are not useful for lich as most of its troops cant be healed. Topaz and ruby have fallen off quite a bit, so the best options for lich would be onyx or azure.

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