Mage heroes art of conquest

Mage heroes are unique class in art of conquest. We have vallari, Avril, Cleo, Wraxius and Eyreon mage heroes in art of conquest now.

Art of conquest mage heroes

Hi commanders! This is another hero guide about all mage heroes in game. Mages are unique and can use magic. For mages you must have overall higher magic attribute than your opponent. As we know you can get max 30% extra bonus by surpassing your opponent in these attributes however these days it doesn't matter some player says. 

But still it gives free 30% extra magic damage bonus then why should miss it so always make sure to win at least magic attribute if you're a mage user.


Vallari the fire mage can be unlocked from hero chests. This mage is very powerful and offers incredible Splitting Magic AoE (Area of Effect) damage. Enemies that take damage from Vallari take extra burning damage.

- Vallari is very powerful when equipped with a Prism paired with a True Emerald Array “Arcanist Fury”. 

Vallari's skills

i. Flame strike

ii. Lotus fire

iii. Crackling flames

iv. Rain of fire

v. Burning

vi. Fire dance

Vallari is an amazing mage that does powerful AoE (Area of Effect) magical damage.

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- Vallari is best built with “Crackling Flames”, “Burning” and “Lotus Fire” as high as possible. Leftover skill points should be put into “Fire Dance”.

Showing vallari, Avril, Cleo, Wraxius mage heroes

- Vallari will do passive fire damage and when her “Fire Dance” skill is activated, she gains immense attack speed sending more fireballs.

Attributes: Vallari benefits more from the magic stat.


Wraxius is a powerful Mage that can be unlocked from the Void Mirror by purchasing him with 2500 Adamantium Coins (void mirror currency). 

Wraxius’s innate skill “Spirit Energy” doubles the effects of all his active lantern skills for lich race’s undead units Bone Soldiers, Clerics and Diabolists (Stalkers, Mummies and Warlocks).

- Effects are Doubled when used on Undead Units.

Wraxius's skills


i. Stygian lantern

ii. Abyssal light

iii. Lunar light

iv. Cursed light

v. Refract

vi. Metamorphosis

Wraxius provides powerful buffs (positive effects) to your units with his lanterns and can provide powerful de-buffs (negative effects) to the enemy if lanterns are used on the enemy instead.

- Wraxius lantern effects are doubled for lich race’s undead troops.

- Wraxius generally has a straightforward ability setup. As much points into “Stygian Lantern” to increase the duration of his lanterns, then as much points into “Lunar Light” and “Cursed Light” for lantern buffs or de-buff. Rest of the skill points into “Abyssal Light” and “Metamorphosis”.

“Refract” is a good skill to equip when using lich race’s Clerics (Mummies) to resurrect troops to your army. When enemy humanoid troops die inside any of Wraxius’s lanterns, “Refract” will leave 2 corpses behind which increases the chance or number of troops you can resurrect.

Attributes: Wraxius benefits more from the magic stat.


Cleo is a Mage and can be unlocked in Hero Chests. Cleo provides all undead units Support with her “Book of Eclipse” and “Tome of Redemption” skills which will reduce all humanoid damage on the battlefield and resurrects undead troops that are lost during an Eclipse in battle.battle.

Cleo's abilities

i. Arcane codex

ii. Book of eclipse

iii. Tome of pain

iv. Tome of wisdom

v. Tome of redemption

vi. Tome of creation

Cleo is an amazing early game mage for crowd control. She can summon a blackhole that pulls all small and large enemy units into it.

- “Tome of Wisdom” should be as high as possible since it offers magic stats, then “Tome of Creation” to be able to summon a black hole and then the rest of the skill points into “Arcane Codex”.

- “Book of Eclipse” should only be used if playing with troop units that are not humanoid (Magical, Mechanical and Undead) since it greatly reduces the attack of humanoid troops.

- “Tome of Redemption” can be used together with “Book of Eclipse” only if playing with lich race’s undead troops. Undead units that die during an eclipse in battle can be resurrected after battle with this skill.

Attributes: Cleo benefits more from the magic stat.


Avril can be obtained in beginning of the game for free, she's one of the starter heroes in art of conquest. Avril have very good crowd control abilities and also a great damage dealer. Avril can easily wipe out your backline troops or heroes with right build.

Avril's abilities

i. Ice nova

ii. Glacial shard

iii. Ice wall

iv. Blizzard

v. Gifted mage

vi. Rapid strike

Avril is amazing for sieging early game, dueling and for crowd control when equipped with a mage clash of fate set (you would have to have earned enough clash of fate medals to buy the complete set from the black-market).

- Avril is best built with one point in all her skills and then have “Glacial Shard” and “Gifted Mage” as high as possible with the rest of the points into “Rapid Strike” for more magic stat, attack speed, reduced active skill cooldowns and damage.

- Avril’s “Rapid Cast” ability will reduce the cooldown of Avril’s abilities and casting active skills will significantly increase Avril’s attack speed. This will make her “Glacial Shard” ability will do more AoE (Area of Effect) damage. This is very strong in duels, void mirror and sieging.

- Her “Ice Wall” skill is also great for blocking of enemy cavalry and enemy small and large units.

Attributes: Avril benefits more from the magic stat.


Eyreon is a underrated mage currently, mostly players says that he didn't deal much damage. Well but in my opinion he's a very good hero. He can be game changer sometimes in duels and also a great damage dealer and a support hero. Eyreon can obtained from hero chest.

Eyreon's abilities


i. Blood fury

ii. Bloodthirst

iii. Tainted blood

iv. Corruption

v. Blood debt

vi. Blood dawn

Eyreon gets better later in the game with high research and gear.Early game we can use Eyreon for support to increase the magic damage we deal with his blood curse. Blood curse is inflicted on enemies from his basic attacks. We should then get “Tainted Blood”, “Corruption” and “Blood Debt” as high as possible with leftover skill points into “Blood Fury” and “Bloodthirst”.

- This will spread his blood curse more and improve Eyreon’s survivability and damage.

Attributes: Eyreon benefits more from the magic stat.

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