Which race is most suitable for new players in art of conquest

Hello guys, this is my guide for new players who wants to start in a new realm and confused about which race is better for them in beginning.

Art of conquest Races

Guide for choosing a race From a perspective of a F2P:

Table of Contents

Hello guys, this is my guide for new players who wants to start in a new realm and confused about which race is better for them in beginning of the game.

Showing Art of conquest best race


Humans are one of the best races early into the game. Because it can benefit greatly from Vega heal, which is too good early on. It also has almost all the core heros free except for elena and yip. 

But as soon as you reach 20 it becomes hard because of chakra as human benefit from using 3 units rather than 2 units like other races till you reach a point where you can max chakra for 3 units at that time troop equipment would have unlocked and it is the same circle all over again. 

Also read: Art of conquest best heroes 

                  Art of conquest best race

But it is still viable only if you use swords or archers alone. But the strength of humans are their versatile units.

Also read: Human race guide

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2. LICH:

Lich can be hard super early in to the game because of their inability to heal and low health but it soon changes as you progress through where heal matters less and less. It is great as we mostly focus on 2 troops (stalkers and warlocks). 

The issue with lich is that it is difficult to switch to other races as most of lich troops cant be converted and it also need comparatively a large gold troop capacity than other races. 

It also struggles in void a bit.But on the bright side troop creation is very easy in lich as they have low creation time and mummies can resurrect them for free. Lich undead troops doesn’t fall injured which is not really a bad thing as you have low creation time than other races heal time and you don’t have to care about hospital at all.

Also read: Lich race guide

3. Dwarf:

Dwarf is one of the races which is strong in almost all stages of the game with 2 strong units, great void potential. But the issue with dwarf for f2p players is that Jacques is not possible to attain as a f2p which is core for dwarf. 

Still you can get gafgar and progress quite well. Dwarf struggles against cluster races and requires a true ruby nora asap. Dwarf is one of the staple races to use even by a f2p. 

Dwarves are the best at sieging early on with the reload from grimms which out damages all other races by a margin.

Also read: Dwarf race guide


Rakan is the strongest early game but grows weaker as the game progresses, because other unit out stat them soon. It also benefits from vega heal early on and ale abilities are great to play with. But the usage of ale effects is kinda hectic and you have to focus much during duels. 

The garrison of the rakan is the weakest of all. But it has one of the best support unit the ‘TURTLES’ which everyone likes to borrow. It is the best void pusher out of all races along with dwarf. 

At this point of time rakan seems to be kind of a mediocre race to be honest but it has viability to be strong and you can be pretty creative with it.

Also read: Rakan race guide


Sylph is one of weird race with the best frontline and an underwhelming backline. At the moment none other races can compete with sylph is terms of tanking because of the treants. 

But sylph is mostly reliant on heros for its damage output. It also has slow void progression. Eventhough sylph archers are weak in pvp they are good in events especially the boss fights. 

They also have a great support unit ‘Mana Wyrms’ which is similar to that of a turtle which everyone would like to borrow. Sylph usually requires a large number of heros to be effective.

Also read: Sylph race guide

My Priority for F2P:


- Doesn’t need many heroes.

- Unit types, almost free units which makes mistakes less punishing.

2.Rakan: Same reasons of that of lich except it is great for void , but kinda meh.

3.Human: Need a lot of chakra and forge fire stones and astral stones.

4.Dwarf:Other than Jacques I don’t see any reason other why not to play dwarf.

5.Sylph:Needs a lot of heroes for damage and higher hero research.

Thank you for reading this post.

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