Rakan race guide : Art of conquest

Rakan is an offensive race with an interesting ale mechanism.Rakan is great race for pvp and has great void progression.

Rakan race art of conquest

Rakan is an offensive race with an interesting ale mechanism. Whenever the rakan troops get drink ale, they will active their unique ale ability. 

Rakan are very strong during the beginning of the battle, but they become quite weak if the battle goes too long as they run out of ale. Rakan is great race for pvp and has great void progression. 

Table of Contents

Rakan also have one of the best support units. Rakan units also gain bonus attack and health when loaned to an ally.


Most of the rakan troops are humanoid with a exception of turtle which is magical. Humanoid troops gain mastery from avalon and Gan has mastery for magical units.


Clansmen are the main frontline troops for rakan. They are immune to morale collapse. They have chance to counterattack when attacked to deal Aoe damage and take reduced damage for 3 seconds and also it can be activated for 7 seconds when using their ale ability. Tok has an ability which increases the duration of the ale effects.

Also read: Art of conquest hero mastery

Note: Growth deity Flora statue +3 = Increases the attack and health of Clansmen by 15%.

ZEN Clansmen

Showing rakan race troops

- Zen Clansmen gain a new ability called Vampiric blade which basic attacks and Laijutsu heal themselves for 70 % of damage dealt for the first 40 seconds of battle.

- Zen Clansmen are more tanky than dire clansmen. For pvp Zen clansmen are preferred, as they are more tanky.

Dire Clansmen 

- Dire Clansmen gain a new ability called Vorpal blade which increase the range and damage of Laijutsu.

- Dire Clansmen deal more damage than Zen clansmen.

- Dire Clansmen are also good in pvp if you want more damage.


Bandits are the main dps units of rakan. Their basic attacks have chance to pierce and deal Aoe damage. Their ale ability allows them to shoot a long range piercing arrow dealing aoe damage. Mako has mastery for them and tok can increase the duration of their ale ability.

Note: Storm deity Zephyrdite statue +6 = Increases the attack and health of bandits by 15%.

ZEN Bandits

- Zen Bandits gain a new ability called blinding arrows which makes their arrows during ale effect to reduce the accuracy of enemy units.

- Zen bandit excel at debuffing the enemies.

- Zen bandits are good in certain scenarios.

Dire Bandits

- Dire bandits gain a new ability called Incendiary arrows which makes their basic attacks do bonus fire damage and makes the arrows during ale effect explode and deal burning damage.

- Dire bandits deal way more damage than the zen bandits. For pvp Dire bandits are preferred as they do more damage.


Ascetic aka monks are the anti-large troops of rakan. They do more damage and receive less damage from large and massive units.

At the start of the battle they will fly and kick the enemy troops dealing damage and knocking them back and also receives less damage for 10 seconds. 

Their ale effect activates the flying kick once again and increases their attack speed and critical hit chance. They are also immune to poison damage. Denji has mastery for monks and tok can increase the duration of ale.

ZEN Monks

- Zen monks gain a new ability called swift staff which gives them bonus attack speed and reduced morale collapse when attacking large or massive enemies.

- Zen monks can be used when fighting against large or massive units.

Dire Monks

- Dire monks gain a new ability called iron foot which makes the flying kick cant be evaded and also does bonus damage based on targets max health. For pvp dire monks are preferred, because of their increased damage.


Rakuza aka ninjas are unique ranged units of rakan. Their basic attacks have a chance of dropping a smokescreen which increases allies evade chance and reduces enemies accuracy (Max 3 smokescreens can be there at a time) . 

Also read: Best race in art of conquest

The enemy units inside the smoke screen will take increased damage if their health falls below 30%. The ale effect doubles the chance of dropping smoke screens and increases their max limit by one. Saizo has mastery for them and tok can increase the duration of their ale.

Note: Herald of life Banocles statue +7 = Increases the health and attack of Rakuza by 15%.

ZEN Rakuza

- Zen Rakuzas gain new ability called Ash cloud which increases the evade chance and reduced accuracy bonuses of the smoke screen and also increases the area of the smokescreen.

- Zen rakuza provides more tankiness to allied units.

Dire Rakuza

- Dire Rakuza gain a new ability called corrosive smoke which makes the enemy units take 10% of the health they lost as damage when they are inside the smoke screen.

- Dire rakuza deals more damage when compared to zen.

Both Zen and Dire Rakuzas are good for Pvp, if you need more damage go for Dire and if you need more tankiness go with Zen ones.

Note: There was a bug in game so that's why dire and zen Rakuza's name is wrong in these images.


Chelonian aka turtle is the support unit of rakan. At the start of the battle they use the war drums which increase the health, attack and attack speed of all friendly troops. They also heal at a periodic intervals. 

The ale effect doubles the effect of war drums and also provide a shield to all units equivalent to 4% of the turtles health. Tok has mastery for turtle and also increase the duration of ale effect.

Note: Herald of life Kailope statue +8 = Increases the health and attack of Chelonians by 15%.

ZEN Chelonians

- Zen Turtles gain a new ability called On the house which makes the turtle trigger ale effect of 2 other units when its ale effect is activated.

For pvp, always use zen turtles as the bonus ale effects are quite good.

Dire Chelonians

- Dire Turtle gains an abilty called Divination shell which makes the turtle give a random allied unit 3% more damage whenever 2 hero abilites are cast. The effect increases by 3% every time it is triggered. If you loaning the turtles to your housemates go for dire turtles.

Key Heroes:








The best choice of dragon for rakan would be onyx because of the black holes. As rakans are aggressive and wants to win as soon as possible with the initial burst from the ale effects the onyx’s black hole makes the logical option. They can also use a jade or an azure with noble blood but onyx is preferred.

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