Sylph race guide : Art of conquest

Slyph has the most unique units in AOC. Sylph troops costs more and also takes more time to train when compared to other races.

Art of conquest Sylvani Race

Sylph is a defensive race with arguably the most tanky frontline units. Most of the sylvani troops are magical except for their archers. 

Slyph has the most unique units in AOC, each of its units excel in different things. Sylph troops costs more and also takes more time to train when compared to other races. Sylph is best at tanking damage. 

Table of Contents

Most of the damage of sylphs come from their heroes. Sylph is a great race for PVP, but it takes a lot of things to be effective and also struggles in void progression.


Most of the sylph troops are magical with a exception of archers which is humanoid. Magical troops doesn’t have morale and Gan has mastery for magical units.


Outriders is great frontline unit for sylph, as they very high evasion at the start of the battle. They are almost unkillable until their evasion wears off. 

They also charge at the enemy during the start of the battle and stuns and knocks them back kinda like the human cavalry. 

They also do an Aoe attack periodically which deals damage and also lowers the damage dealt by the affected enemy. They also have Lunella, who increases their duration of evasion.

ZEN Outriders

Showing Sylvani Race troops

- Zen Huntress gains a new ability called Stag song which gives a random ranged unit 40% more attack speed while alive and 40% dmg reduction when the huntress falls.

- Zen Huntress buffs up the ranged troops rather than themselves.

- Zen huntress also perform well in Pvp if archers or shrooms are deployed.

Dire Outriders

- Dire Huntress gains a new ability called Glaive dance which reduces the glaive gyre cooldown by 40% and also makes it Aoe.

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- Dire Huntress deal more damage when compared to zen because of the reduced cooldown. 

In Pvp dire huntress is slightly more preferred over zen because of the increased damage.


Watchers are slyph’s dps ranged unit. They are small and contain less number of troops per unit when compared to other races. They also do a small percentage of enemies Max Hp as damage. 

They also have a chance to root enemies making their attacks miss by 50%. They are the only humanoid troops in sylph, they get humanoid mastery from Avalon and bow mastery from sprig.

ZEN Watchers

- Zen Watchers gain a new ability called elite resolve which makes them morale immune and also increases their attack speed by 20%.

In Pvp Zen watchers are more preferred because of the morale immunity especially on a ranged unit.

Dire Watchers

- Dire Watchers gain a new ability called Overgrown vines which increases the number of units that are rooted by the watchers.

- Dire watchers are good in events as they synergise with treants, dire watchers roots more enemies and treants siphon health from rooted enemies which makes the treants more tanky.

Tree Spirit

Tree Spirits or Treants are the most tanky units in game. There will only one troop per unit. Treants take reduced damage from both physical and magical damage but they take increased damage from burning. 

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They also have increased healing received. They cause nearby troops to be rooted every few seconds. They also siphon health from nearby rooted enemies. 

They are also immune to Crowd Control abilities. Gan has double mastery for Treants and also heals them for a percentage of their health periodically.

ZEN Tree Spirit

- Zen Tree Spirits have a new ability called Thorn Armor which makes enemies take damage proportional to the TreeFather’s attack.

- Zen tree spirits are not preferred as the damage from thorn armor is not worth when compared to the tanking potential of the nature sprites.

Dire Tree Spirit

- Dire Tree Spirits gain a ability called Nature sprite which makes them spawn a smaller treant every 25 seconds with 30% of its health and attack.

For Pvp Dire tree spirits are preferred as they provide more tanking via the nature sprites.


Cannoneers aka shrooms is a unique troop. Their basic attacks does Aoe damage. They grow in size after each 8 attacks gaining health and damage. 

They also release a incendiary spores which will explode when it reaches the enemy and deal damage and increase the attack and health of nearby magical units except dragon. Shrooms starts off weak but as the battle progresses they get stronger.

ZEN Shrooms

- Zen Shrooms have a new ability called guided evolution which reduces the number attacks required to grow by 1. It also gives 30% more attack, attack speed, accuracy and critical hit rate when it reaches final growth.

Dire Shrooms

- Dire Shrooms gains a new abilty called spore cloud which give the basic attacks a chance to release a spore and also makes the spore give a nearby ally a shield equivalent to the shrooms hp.

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- Dire shrooms provide more tankiness via the spores produced.

Both Zen and Dire Shrooms are good for Pvp, if you need more damage go for Zen and if you need more tankiness go with Dire ones.

Serpent/Mana wrym

Serpents aka mana dragons are the support troops of sylph. They start off the battle hibernating (They cant move or attack while hibernating). 

They can be waken up by using rude awakening, when they wake up they increase the damage and attack speed of all friendly units which corresponds to the time they spent hibernating. If they are not already awake, they will wake up automatically after 1 min granting 100% of the wake up buffs and also makes the enemies take 10% more damage.

ZEN Mana Wrym

- Zen Mana wyrms have a new abilitycalled sleepy cyclone which sends out a wave infront of then dealing damage and stunning the enemies for 3 seconds at the start of the battle. They will also have their attack speed reduced by 30% when the stun wears off.

- Zen mana wyrms are preferred for pvp because of the stun they provide at the beginning of the battle.

Dire Mana Wrym

- Dire mana wyrms have a new ability called beauty sleep which makes them heal random 7 units every 5 seconds while hibernating.When they wake up, they will heal all the friendly units for a percantage of their max health which increases with hibernation time.

Also read: Most suitable race in art of conquest 

- Dire mana wyrms are better for events where the stun is not necessary.

Key Heroes







The best choice of dragon for sylph would be azure because of the noble blood. Noble blood heals based on Max Hp percentage and tree spirits have very high max hp, so the heal from noble blood is quite significant. Other dragons also can be used but the azure makes the most logical option.

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