Dwarf race guide : Art of conquest

Dwarf is the only race to have units that use ammunition.Dwarf has one of the fastest void progression.and overall a great race for Pvp and events too

Art of conquest dwarf race

Dwarf is an offensive race and the only race to have mechanical units other than siege weapons. Dwarf is the only race to have units that use ammunition. 

One of the main highlights of dwarf’s if the headshot mechanic of the snipers which can do a lot of single target dps. Dwarf has one of the fastest void progression. Dwarf is overall a great race for Pvp and also performs very well in events too.


All of the Dwarf troops are either mechanical or humanoid. Mechanicaltroops doesn’t have morale and Gafgar has mastery for them. As for humanoids Avalon has humanoid mastery for them.

Table of Contents


Ironsmiths aka miners are one of the frontline units for dwarf. Miner’s basic attack has a chance to stun the enemy units. Miner are not fully focused on tanking instead they do a decent amount of both damage and tanking. 

At the start of the battle they will have a shield equal to their health which gives then 20% more attack and attack speed and also makes them morale immune. Once they lose their shield they are susceptible to morale collapses. Gafgar has ironsmith mastery and Avalon has humanoid mastery for them.

ZEN Iron Smith

Showing dwarf race troops

- Zen Ironsmiths gain a new ability called Pincer bomb which makes basic attacks have 20% chance to place bombs in a frontal cone when shield is active. The bombs will explode after being hit by ammo users for 5 times. Each unit can have only one bomb at a time.

- Zen ironsmiths are good in dealing Aoe damage with their bombs.

- Zen miners are good at dealing with clusters in void and events.

Dire Ironsmith

- Dire Ironsmiths gain a new ability called Ticking bomb which makes basic attacks to place a bomb on the enemy. The bombs will explode after 8 seconds or after being hit with a headshot and damage in max health percantage as burning damage.

- Dire ironsmiths are good in dealing high single target dps.

For pvp dire ironsmiths are preferred because of the max health damage.


Marksmen aka snipers are the main dps unit of dwarf. They have unique mechanic called headshots. Every basic attack has small amount of chance to do a headshot which will increase the damage of that attack by 100 times (or more). 

They are ammo user which means once their ammo is depleted they will have their attack speed greatly reduced. Grimms can increase the ammo capacity of the troops and also has an active ability to restore ammo.

ZEN Snipers

- Zen snipers gain a new ability called Precision shooting which increases head shot chance by 2% and damage by 30 times.

- Zen sniper will do much more damage than the dire ones because of the buffs to head shot.

For pvp zen snipers are used because of the increased damage.

Dire Snipers

- Dire sniper gain a new ability called salvage ammo which makes headshot restore 15% ammo to the entire unit.

- Dire sniper will almost never run out of ammo.

- Dire snipers are good at certain events with long battles.


Pyrotechs are one of the ranged units of dwarf. The basic attacks of pyrotechs do Aoe damage. They also have an active ability which makes them attack very fast until they deplete all their ammo. 

They also have Nora to give them mastery. They are also ammo users. Grimms can increase the ammo capacity of the troops and also has an active ability to restore ammo.

ZEN Pyrotech

- Zen Pyrotechs gain a new ability called Bombard which gives +3 range and a chance to shoot an additional extra rocket which deal less damage.

- Zen Pyrotechs might do well in some events and certain void stages.

Dire Pyrotech

- Dire Pryotechs gain a new ability called Improved balistics which increase the Aoe range and accuracy.

For Pvp Dire pryotechs are preferred because of the increase in accuracy and aoe range.

Steam Engine/Mechs

Steam engine aka mechs are the primary tanking unit for dwarf. They have an ability called force field which reduces all the ranged damage they receive by 65%. They also do Aoe damage and increased damage against massive units. 

They have an active ability which greatly increase their attack speed but also makes them lose some health while the ability is active. Jacques has mastery for mechs.

ZEN Mechs

- Zen mechs gain a new ability called field charge which passively increases the forcefield damage reduction by 10% and also gives an active ability which gives forecefield to units behind them.

- Zen mechs tanks more when compared to dire.

Dire Mechs

- Dire mechs gain a new ability called Electric discharge which makes every second basic attack send an electric charge which stuns the enemies and also makes them take more damage from mechs.

- Dire mechs does more damage when compared to zen.

For Pvp both zen and dire can be used. If you want the mechs to do more damage go for dire ones or if you want more tankiness go for zen ones.

War Machine

War machine are tanky ranged units of dwarf. They contain only one troops per unit. They are unique as they have variety of basic attacks which includes an Aoe attack, high dmg single target attack etc.. 

They are also ammo users. Grimms can increase the ammo capacity of the troops and also has an active ability to restore ammo. Grimms also has tank mastery.

ZEN War machine

- Zen War machines gain a new ability called Barrage which gives the machine gun a 30% chance to shoot a missile, which does heavy damage and also makes the enemies hit do less damage to mechanical units.

For Pvp Zen war machines are preferred as they do more damage and also provide more tankiness with the debuff.

Dire War machine

- Dire War machines gain a new ability called Homing beacon which makes the primary target of the warmachine to have 10% more allied units accuracy, critical hit damage and chance against it.

- Dire War machines are useful in certain events against some single target units.

Key Heroes






Dwarf can either go with an azure or onyx. Azure’s noble blood works quite good on the mechs and as always onyx’s black hole are always great. 

As dwarfs are quite offensive using an Onyx is more preferred. You can also use a jade to protect the snipers but Onyx and azure perform better than jade.

Thank you for reading this post.

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