How to farm experience from invaders event : Art of conquest

Invaders event is easiest and most efficient way to gain or farm experience, during invaders event we can easily level up our all heroes.

Art of conquest invaders event

In this guide I will show you how to farm EXP to max level all your heroes.

How to farm exp

Invader event is an event appear in the first or second week of drake/sait event.
Table of Contents
It consists of 3 stages:

1- Neutral armies will appear on the map and we need to kill them to get the rewards (lasts 3 days).

2- Enemy strongholds will appear in all cities of your kingdom. Destroying them will give you rewards (lasts 3 days).

3- Enemy strongholds will appear in all sait/drake (excluding your kingdom) destroy them to get rewards (lasts 3 days).
Showing how to farm experience in art of conquest

Our focus here is on the 2nd stage of invaders event. In the 2nd stage the strongholds limit per city is 10 only.Every 1hour the event will respawn all the cities with new strongholds to complete the limit of 10.

If the city still have 10 strongholds it will not be refreshed.The invaders strongholds can be used to gain experience (EXP) during 

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You can easily gain between 5mil to 7mil EXP from invaders strongholds.I will show you the way.

What to attack?

- As a general rule, all invaders strongholds gives a huge amount of exp per battle. But it varies depending on the type of the tower you are attacking.

- Because of the respawn time variable you will only be able to focus on 2 to 3 towers only for a full hour.

- So better is focus on only 2 types of towers in this guide wich is DWARF and LICH towers.

- All lich /dwarf towers gives the most EXP from all the other towers but there is even more specific types of dwarf/lich towers to focus on.

You can easily know the type of the tower from Wall health + troops on the walls
Dwarf: 4.6mil walls + 260 troops
Lich: 4.6mil walls + 255 troops


In this event you don’t need to use full force during farming EXP. The plan is to keep the tower alive as long as possible so you can gain EXP each battle.

The EXP you gain mostly comes from the troops you kill during battles, so the tower is useful as long as it has troops on the wall. after that feel free to destroy it.

Most players use mirrored hero (hero to level) + 4 frontline troops.
I normally switch heroes with another mirrored hero. Or by yip and another hero.

What to do if I’m a small player?

The key my friend is in the 100% injury rate during battle. That means you can borrow all the 4 sets of frontline troops from stronger player without worrying about killing troops.

How to camp a city for farming?

Personally, I don’t do camping a city. But most players do that. In the house chat tell people that you are camping that city for farming EXP. 

And repeatedly ask them to not destroy dwarf or lich towers, there are a whole 3 other type of towers they can destroy.

You may want to read these posts:

Don’t worry, you will have a lot of time to chat in house chat when you are farming EXP. To be honest its one of the most boring things in the game after shrine capturing in a peaceful server.


1- Prism setup:
SET all Prisms on blue shards that gives troops health.

2- YIP setup: 
A- Staff: magister’s rod 
B- Sage set: dreamwave set
C- Skills: enlightenment 9/9

3- Hero setups:
Before you start farming you need to know what will you do with your heroes.
There is basically 2 types of heroes when it comes to EXP farming :

1- PVP heroes: heroes you use in pvp and events. With these type of heroes you can use all the EXP multipliers you want to quickly level them up once and for all.

2- Reset heroes: this type of heroes are used as an EXP holders. You MUST NOT use EXP multipliers when you level them up.Because when you reset the hero all exp gained from multiplier will not be converted into EXP cards.

When you are leveling pvp mage/necro/sage heroes make sure you use the magister’s rod on them to quickly level them up.

Leveling pvp heroes with multipliers: 
To easily level pvp heroes with max multipliers.Best way is to reset yip to 0, then level him up to level 50 using the magister’s 
rod staff on him. 

Then set his enlightenment skill to 8/9 or 9/9.This way you can use yip + any other pvp hero to level up to max.

leveling heroes using YIP only as an EXP multiplier. EXP for friendly heroes (30% yip skill + 10% yip sage set).

leveling mage/sage/necro heroes using the magister’s rod only as EXP multiplier. (hero has 10% more EXP from the hero rod).

leveling mage/sage/necro heroes using YIP+ magister’s rod as EXP multipliers. EXP for friendly hero (30% yip skill + 10% hero rod + 10% yip sage set).

leveling yip only. EXP multiplier (10% magister’s rod).

Leveling RESET heroes:
you level up heroes with no EXP multipliers and later on you will reset the hero and convert all the hero EXP into cards that can be used to get those lvl 70 heroes. 
Leveling heroes with NO MULTIPLIERS at all.

Towers in details: 
Each battle the tower deploys around 13 set of troops.You can have around 11 to 13 battles till tower has no troops on ground (only on walls).

You may want to read these posts:
You normally gain 600k-700k EXP from dwarf towers per battle.
So, a full tower can give you = 12 * 600k = 7.2mil OR = 12* 700k = 8.4 mil.
And when you use multipliers the amount of EXP you can gain can be ariunf 9 to 10 mil EXP per tower too.

Time per attack = 90sec (battle) + (20sec-30sec) deploy/ lagging issues= 2min per attack.
A full tower time = 11 attack * (110sec -120sec) = 20min to 24min per tower.
So probably max number of towers till the next respawn time will be 2 full tower 
or even 3 full towers if you got no lag.

Conclusion : Invaders event is easiest and free way to level up your heroes, today we tried to explain how we can farm exp from invaders event. Hope you guys like this guide.

Thanks for reading this post. 

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